Scientific deliverables

How to make scientfic outputs available in open access?

Researchers are expected to produce, during their secondment, one or more of scientific outputs related to a work package and task of the research program. The deliverables can be drafts, submitted or published materials.

Researchers have to upload their manuscript to a green open access repository as soon as possible after publication, unless there is an embargo from the publisher. Publication on a gold access on a publisher website should be also put on a green open access repository. 

The Journal Checker Tool allow you to validate that the journal you aim at publishing with complies with the European Commission Horizon Europe Framework programme.

Examples of scientific outputs 

  • Articles for publication in peer-review journals;
  • Chapters of edited volumes;
  • Ph.D. dissertations;
  • Proceedings and working papers;
  • Conference papers and seminar presentations;
  • Attendance at university lectures, workshops, and seminars;
  • Interview in the press such as journal and radio;
  • Public exhibition such as the European Night of Science; 
  • Press release to the media;
  • Advices to policy makers. 

Examples of open access publications

Institutional open access repositories 

Examples of open access repositories 

Resources for open data

In all of these outputs, participating researchers have to acknowledge the financing of the project.